Customer Enquiries

When you lodge a complaint, you will be required to provide your name, contact details, information about the nature of the complaint, details of any steps you have taken to resolve the complaint, details of the incident or events giving rise to the complaint, and copies of any evidence which supports your complaint.

This information allows Country Arts SA to investigate your complaint promptly with full knowledge of the facts. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details regarding the collection and use of your personal information.

We are committed to resolving complaints promptly and will endeavour to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within two (2) business days. Once the receipt has been acknowledged, Country Arts SA will undertake an initial review of your complaint.

Once Country Arts SA receives your complaint, we may request further information and provide advice on how the issue is likely to be resolved.

Country Arts SA keeps complaints confidential and only discloses personal information under the following circumstances:

  1. to make enquiries
  2. to resolve the complaint; or
  3. if requested by written law.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, you have the right to seek a further internal or external review or appeal to an external authority such as the Ombudsman SA.

Country Arts SA will not respond to complaints which, in its reasonable opinion:

  1. breach any written law;
  2. contain offensive, discriminatory or violent language;

Country Arts SA maintains a register of the complaints it receives. This will include the name of the complainant, the nature of the complaint, how the complaint was resolved, and the time taken to resolve the complaint. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details regarding the collection and use of your personal information.

All complaints will be forwarded to the relevant Manager for a response and to the officer, who will log them and their responses in Country Arts SA’s Feedback Register.

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Country Arts SA recognises that we are living and creating on First Nations Lands and we are committed to working together to honour their living cultures.

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I would like to donate:

$30 can provide tickets for a group of students to attend a show and workshop with the artists.

$100 can support regional artists and the creation of new works.

$300 can bring a whole class to share in a live performance and workshop.

To make an offline donation, please click here.

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