You can supply up to 10 high quality images of your work. These are the only images that the judging panel will look at when assessing your application, so make them count!
Your images are the visual evidence and context for the written component of your application. They should give a good overview of your practice, as well as connect to the goals outlined in your written application. For example, if your proposal centres on your painting practice, then it is useful for the panel to see majority images relating to your painting practice, rather that many images of past sculptural work.
Your image files should be properly labelled and correlate to a works list, which can be provided as a separate word document or PDF. A works list provides a list of the details that describe the material properties and contextual information for the images you have provided (artwork title, year of creation, medium, size). A works list should not contain paragraph-style descriptions of your artwork that discuss the themes or artistic intention.
You may attach an image file labelled 1.M.Olley.Shells_and_Eve_postcard
Artwork details in works list document: 1. Margaret Olley, Shells and Eve postcard, 1975, oil on board, 52 x 82 cm.
In the above example the file name and numbering system make it obvious that this image file and image caption belong together.
When viewing artworks on a screen, it can be difficult to determine the physical elements of an artwork such as the scale, medium and materials. For example, it may be very difficult to differentiate a hyper realistic graphite drawing from a black and white photograph. The information in the works list helps the selection panel understand what they’re looking at.
The images provided should be of your artworks only (or an exhibition installation view if relevant). You may wish to include a close-up detail of an artwork if it is relevant and helps highlight an aspect of your artwork/s that you’d like to draw attention to. Please avoid using software that transposes images of your artwork into a domestic setting, as this information is not relevant. The scale of an artwork can be comprehended by providing full artwork details in the works list.