AGSA Screen: Wavelength presents moving image works of art from the Art Gallery of South Australia’s time-based media collection. Wavelength draws on past and contemporary approaches to time-based media, sharing stories from across our world that are connected through the theme of water.
The Art Gallery of South Australia’s focused yet significant collection of moving image works by Australian and international artists illustrates this medium’s dynamism and the diverse nature of acquisitions within the collection, with the earliest example of the moving image being from 1929.
These works of art by Betty Nungarrayi Conway, Aki Inomata, Mark Patterson, Joan Ross, Tim Silver, Gabriella Smart, Ida Sophia, Gerry Wedd and Kumantjayi (Joanne) Napangardi Wheeler have been selected from the AGSA collection to tour regionally in South Australia through the generosity of Principal Donor Metal Manufactures Pty Ltd, presented in partnership with Country Arts SA
Image: Ida Sophia, born Mount Gambier, South Australia 1989, Witness (detail), 2022, Adelaide; Beachport, South Australia, single channel video with sound, 12:12 minutes; Gift of James and Diana Ramsay Foundation for the Ramsay Art Prize 2023, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, © Ida Sophia
Presented as a partnership between the Art Gallery of South Australia and Country Arts SA with generous support received from Principal Donor Metal Manufactures Pty Ltd.