Country Arts SA presents a State Theatre Company South Australia production
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others
Widely regarded as one of the greatest stories in English literature, Animal Farm was written in the 1940’s by the infamous George Orwell as a response to the rise of authoritarian governments around the world.
Under the guidance of some rebellious pigs, a group of farm animals unite to drive out their cruel human oppressors and build a utopia. But the swine are not as united as they appear, and their division gives rise to a terrifying new system of power and repression.
In his final production as Artistic Director, Geordie Brookman and exceptional actor Renato Mussolino join forces to create a fascinating take on a story that will be familiar to many.
“The most thought-provoking piece of literature I have ever read” – The Guardian
Stick around after the show for a post show Q&A.
Director and adaptation: Geordie Brookman
Designer: Bianka Kennedy
Lighting Designer: Alexander Ramsey
Composition and Sound Design: Andrew Howard
Actor: Renato Musolino
Season 2019: Animal Farm from StateTheatreSA on Vimeo.
School Bookings available – for all school booking enquiries please contact [email protected]
School Group Tickets $10 per student
Includes 20 minute post show Q&A with cast
Suitable for year levels 9-12