The Gods of Strangers – Online Streaming

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The Gods of Strangers will be available to stream free online from 22 – 29 June.

Presented by Country Arts SA in conjunction with State Theatre Company South Australia, who together with Playwriting Australia first brought The Gods of Strangers to the stage, the upcoming online streaming opens up an opportunity for audiences across Australia to now enjoy this epic comedic drama.

The Gods of Strangers premiered as a stage production in 2018  in Port Pirie, the setting for the play, followed by a season at the Dunstan Playhouse in Adelaide where the filming that you will see took place.

It’s 1947. Two women in Port Pirie greet unexpected guests at their doors. At one – a man looking for shelter, work and to leave his past behind him. At the other, a woman seeking someone she has lost, and something that was stolen from her.

It is said that if a stranger knocks on your door, you let them in – they could be a god in disguise. But, what do they bring in with them?

Inspired by the oral histories of Greek, Cypriot and Italian migrants to regional South Australia, this historical fiction explores the untold struggles of belonging, identity and family in post World War II Australia. Featuring Dina Panozzo, Renato Musolino (1984Othello) and Eugenia Fragos (Things I Know To Be True), this multicultural and multilingual drama has been written from the heart, especially for State Theatre Company South Australia and Country Arts SA by Resident Artist and Greek Cypriot descendant Elena Carapetis.

Image: State Theatre Company South Australia. Photographer Chris Herzfeld
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Ministry of the Arts’Catalyst – Australian Arts and Culture Fund.


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Transaction fees apply: Online $2.50 – Counter/Phone $3.50

Facebook LIVE Q&A

In the tradition of gathering over a cuppa, join playwright Elena Carapetis and actor Renato Musolino for a Facebook Live chat and Q&A on ‘The Gods of Strangers’.

You’ll even get a look into Elena’s kitchen as she prepares the traditional Greek sweet Galaktoboureko, get the recipe here and a vegan version here.

Below watch the Facebook Live Q&A that happened on June 28 at 4pm.

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