Exhibit at the Chaffey Theatre in 2025 – Applications now closed
Country Arts SA is now seeking expressions of interest for our Chaffey Theatre 2025 exhibitions program.
We are seeking applications from individual artists, and artist groups residing in the Riverland and Mallee region for all visual arts mediums.
Key Dates: Applications close: Friday 13 December 2024
Applicants notified: Friday 20 December 2024
The opportunity includes:
– use of gallery space for 4-6 weeks – venue usage for public workshop and engagement opportunities provided by artist(s), subject to venue availability staff to install and dismantle exhibition – week day exhibition opening during office hours (catering restricted to tea, coffee, juice and biscuits. Any additions need to be catered by artist (s) as arranged with management – design of invitations – design of exhibition intro texts and wall labels (information to be provided by artist (s) – media and publicity support – limited exhibition furniture and tech support
Exhibition Guidelines
All proposed exhibitions will be assessed against the following criteria:
1. The artwork will be of high quality
2. The exhibition will be conceptually strong
3. The exhibition will be interesting to audiences
4. The exhibition has potential for other activities that will engage local community
5. The works included in the exhibition will be suitable for public viewing. All wall based art must be ready for hanging on a hanging system with rails and lines
6. Country Arts SA welcomes exhibitions which reflect a diversity of mediums, ideas, concepts, genders and cultural backgrounds
7. The selection process will take into account the exhibition constraints and benefits for the artist(s) and Country Arts SA
8. The selection process will take into account the financial cost of the exhibition, and its feasibility as part of Chaffey Theatre’s program
Proposal Details
An exhibition proposal should, where possible, include:
1. Exhibition title
2. List of artists involved in the exhibition
3. Planned linear and/or square metres for the exhibition
4. Outline of proposed artworks (mediums, approximate dimensions, outline of content)
5. Exhibition concept/artist statement/curatorial rationale: what is the exhibition about?
6. High quality images (images of actual works or indicative works are accepted) including title and dimensions.
7. Any relevant exhibition collateral already produced for the exhibition (catalogues/publications)
8. Any possible community engagement opportunities the artist(s) can provide with the exhibition
9. Timeframe: when will the exhibition be ready to exhibit? 10.Outline of any special equipment or skills required for installation: e.g. data projector, DVD player & screens, display cases/plinths, particularly delicate or heavy works included 11. Contact details for the key contact including email, phone number and address
Country Arts SA understands that exhibitions and artworks may not be finalised at this time. The proposal needs to contain enough information to give the Assessment Panel, led by the Chaffey Theatre’s Art Centre Manager, an understanding of the rationale and logistics involved in exhibiting the work, to assess the exhibition’s suitability for its place within the overall program.
Image: Lyn Anstey, Our Murray River, Install image in the Chaffey Theatre foyer
Country Arts SA pays respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and recognises their continuing connection and spiritual relationship to these lands, waters and skies. We are committed to listening and helping care for Country, and to safeguard, share and celebrate First Nations’ living cultures.