Leaving a gift in your Will

A Will gives you the power to choose how your life’s work and your assets will benefit your loved ones and the causes you care about most.

If you have planned a gift in your will to the Country Arts Foundation, we encourage you to let us know about it.

About bequeathing

A Will gives you the power to choose how your life’s work and your assets will benefit your loved ones and the causes you care about most.

A bequest is a nod to the future, an investment in hope and optimism. It signifies opportunity and possibility by providing much needed funds to supporting arts in regional South Australia. 

Country Arts Foundation ABN 84 631 677 908 is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).

Frequently asked questions

How do I word my bequest?

Before naming the Country Arts Foundation as a beneficiary in your Will, please ensure you have secured the future of your family and loved ones. We can help you tailor your gift to reflect your wishes and ensure the legacy you envision becomes a reality.

“I give [my estate or …% of my estate or the sum of $….] to the Country Arts Foundation for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the Foundation Chair or other authorised officer of the Foundation for the gift shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.”

“I give [my estate or …% of my estate or the sum of $….] to the Country Arts Foundation and I express the wish without creating a binding trust that the funds be used and applied for the purposes of [describe your preferred purpose] to be set up [in perpetuity or for a specified period of time] or should that purpose be discontinued I wish that my bequest be applied in a similar or allied program, or such other purposes as most closely matches my intentions. I declare that the receipt of the Foundation Chair or other authorised officer of the Foundation for the gift shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.”

Who gives bequests?

All types of people leave gifts in their Wills. They come from a wide range of backgrounds and from across our beautiful State. Some are audience 

members, some are family members of artists, and some are simply supporters of the work we undertake every day.

We thank each and every one of you for your kindness and thoughtfulness.

How do I leave a gift in my Will?

Leaving a gift in your Will is often referred to as a bequest. There are two simple ways to remember the Foundation in your Will:

  • A ‘specific bequest’ directs a fixed dollar amount or assets or property
  • A ‘residuary bequest’ directs all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate, after specific gifts to other beneficiaries have been fulfilled. No percentage amount is too small, and any amount can make a significant impact.

If you don’t have a Will, then the first thing you should do is seek legal advice about creating one. The Public Trustee in your State or Territory can provide advice on making a Will and can help you find a solicitor.

How will my gift be managed?

Bequests are managed by the Foundation and can be made to an endowment fund to provide ongoing support for years to come, or to support a specific program of your choice. 

The Foundation can help you plan a bequest that best fits your wishes. When considering the Country Arts Foundation in your Will, it is recommended that you seek independent legal advice to ensure it conforms to State laws. If you already have a Will, a Codicil (or supplement) is a quick and easy way to make a gift through your Will.

Any bequest to the Country Arts Foundation should be made after family and friends have been considered.

Notifying us about your bequest

If you have planned a gift in your will to the Country Arts Foundation, we encourage you to let us know about it. Notifying us does not alter your right to change or update your wishes if circumstances change, but it does help us plan for the future and gives us an opportunity to recognise your intentions during your lifetime.

Who can I talk to?

For a confidential discussion, please contact:
Country Arts Foundation
[email protected]

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